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Proposed extension of streamlined visa processing to non-university education providers
      The Minister for Immigration and Border Protection announced the proposed extension of streamlined visa processing to certain low immigration risk non-university higher education providers on 29 October 2013.
      Streamlined visa processing arrangements, similar to those currently in place for universities, are proposed to be extended to prospective students of selected low immigration risk education providers who offer bachelor, master's or doctoral degree level courses. We intend for these proposed arrangements to commence in March 2014.
      Eligible providers would receive an invitation to participate from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in the first week of November 2013.
      Streamlined visa processing for certain university applicants has been operating since 24 March 2012. There will be no change to these arrangements or how they operate as a result of this announcement.
      See: Streamlined Student Visa Processing
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      What is streamlined visa processing?
      Streamlined visa processing is currently in place for certain prospective students of participating universities. Student visa applications that are lodged with a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from a participating university in Australia for a bachelor, master's or doctoral degree or an eligible exchange programme are assessed as though they are a lower immigration risk, similar to the current Assessment Level 1, regardless of the applicant's country of origin.
      More information about assessment levels is available on the department's website:

      See: Student Visa Assessment Levels
       What is an education provider for the purpose of streamlined visa processing?
      For the purposes of streamlined visa processing arrangements, an education provider must be actively registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
      Each CRICOS code is considered as a separate education provider for the purpose of determining an education provider's eligibility to participate in the extended streamlined visa processing arrangements.
      When can I apply for a student visa under the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements?
      The proposed extension of streamlined visa processing for prospective students of selected low immigration risk higher education providers is intended to commence in March 2014.
      Streamlined visa processing is currently available to certain prospective students of participating universities in Australia.
      How do I know if my education provider is participating in the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements?
      The legislative instrument listing the education providers participating in the proposed extended arrangements would be published on the department's website closer to the implementation date in 2014.
      How will the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements work?
      Under the proposed extended arrangements, student visa applicants with a CoE from a participating education provider in Australia would be assessed as though they were a lower immigration risk and are generally not required to provide the same amount of documentary evidence that is required for higher assessment levels, regardless of their country of origin, visa subclass or course of study.
      Applicants would still need to have a level of English language proficiency to enable them to complete their studies, be able to support themselves financially for the duration of their stay; and satisfy the genuine temporary entrant requirement.
      All applicants would still be subject to basic requirements such as having health insurance and meeting the health and character requirements. The department can still request documentary evidence to verify an applicant's claims.
      Students on an AusAID or Defence (subclass 576) visa are not included in the proposed streamlined visa processing arrangements.
      What are the benefits of the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements?
      Under the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements, education providers and students can have greater confidence that visa applications would be processed faster.
      The arrangements also make the visa application process easier for students as they are not required to provide the same levels of documentary evidence needed for higher assessment levels.
      If I am eligible for the proposed extended streamlined visa processing will I be able to lodge my application online?
      Streamlined visa processing does not change the online lodgement arrangements that are currently in place. That is, if you do not have access to online lodgement for student visa applications currently, you would not gain access to online lodgement under the streamlined visa processing arrangements.
      What will I need from an education provider to be eligible for the proposed extended streamlined visa processing?
      To be eligible for the proposed extended streamlined visa processing, you would need to provide a CoE from a participating education provider when you lodge your student visa application. This CoE must be for either a bachelor, masters or doctoral degree or an eligible exchange programme.
      Will I be eligible for the proposed extended streamlined visa processing if I only have a letter of offer from an education provider?
      No. You must provide a CoE from a participating education provider when you lodge your application to be eligible for the proposed extended streamlined visa processing.
      Will I be eligible for the proposed extended streamlined visa processing if I am enrolled in a package of courses or an enabling course?
      If you enrol in a package course, all your preliminary courses must be at your non-university education provider participating in the streamlined visa processing arrangements or a nominated educational business partner of your non-university participating education provider.
      Students who combine a non-award student exchange or study abroad program course with any preliminary course(s) would not be eligible for streamlined visa processing and would be assessed according to the applicable assessment level.
      Can I still apply for a student visa if I am not eligible for the proposed extended streamlined visa processing?
      Yes. If you are not eligible for the proposed extended streamlined visa processing you can still apply for a student visa under the existing assessment level framework.
      What if my preferred education provider is not part of the arrangements?
      Students need to apply under the existing student visa application processes if their preferred education provider is not a participant in the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements.
      Subject to the legislative change process, the department proposes to simplify the Assessment Level Framework by removing AL4 and AL5 and reducing the financial requirements for AL3 visa applicants. These proposed changes would benefit student visa applicants not subject to streamlined visa processing arrangements.
      More information about how to apply for a student visa can be found on the department's website.
      See: Student subclass options
      How has the department determined which education providers will be invited to participate in the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements?
      In order to be invited to participate in the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements, education providers must be assessed to be of low immigration risk.
      An education provider's immigration risk level is calculated by assessing data held in departmental systems relating to prospective and actual international students associated with that provider. This includes data about student visa refusals, including fraud, and compliance with visa conditions relating to student visa applicants intending to study at the provider's institution, as well as actual students who have visas linked to that institution.
      In order for the department to have statistical confidence in the assessment of an education provider's immigration risk, an education provider must be recorded in the department's systems as having at least 100 students with active student visas during the 2012–13 reporting period.
      This method of determining immigration risk is consistent with the approach used for the university streamlined visa processing arrangements and the Assessment Level Framework settings.
      Will the proposed extended streamlined visa processing arrangements be the same as those available to universities?
      Streamlined visa processing arrangements for both universities and non-universities would be very similar and available for prospective international students enrolled in bachelor, masters, doctoral degree or eligible exchange programme courses, at either an eligible university or eligible non-university education provider.
      Where do I go for more information?
      The latest information is published on the department's website.
      See: Students - Visas and Immigration

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