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莫纳什停发conditional offer

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  接MONASH大学商学院通知, 由于该大学商学院申请量太大, 商学院对所有本科和硕士课程申请不再发CONDITIONAL OFFER, 除非学生提交完整的学术文件和IELTS成绩。原已提交申请材料,但还未毕业或还没有IELTS成绩的学生, 只能PENDING, 等所有材料给学校后, 材料才会发FULL OFFER或PACKAGE OFFER了.
  新石器留学专家分析:莫纳什大学的此项调整是根据近来申请学生增多,竞争激烈而做出的重要举措。此举意味着本科的应届毕业生是不能赶7月份的开学,学生必须拿到毕业证和学位证,并且有了雅思成绩以后,学校才能发full offer。自悉尼大学商学院今年已经有了此项政策以外,其他八大的院校也陆续提高入学要求,或者不再招收应届毕业生。现在,莫纳什大学已经明确了明年及以后的招生政策,悉尼大学商学院由于要求非211大学学生提供清华认证,也就是不再招生非211大学的应届毕业生。对于其他八大的政策变动现在大家都在拭目以待,对于准备赴澳留学,入读名校的学生,威久专家建议,一定要趁现在学校没有出台正式的政策之前尽早申请,才能确保申请到名校的名额。详情请咨询澳洲留学专家热线:010-68946699转澳洲部!
  Dear XXXX,
  Conditional Offers
  Due to the popularity of our Business and Economics courses were are now no longer able to issue "Conditional" offers. Effective immediately all PG and UG BusEco applications that would have received conditional offers will now receive "pending" emails outlining the requirement to be met. This pending email will be sent to your agency and the student.
  Once the requirements are met, and evidence submitted to our office, a Full offer will be issued. Applications that are packaged with one of our English language courses will still get a conditional offer for the principal course.
  In all cases the eCoe will only be issued when all conditions are met.
  Full Offers
  At present we are still issuing "Full Offers" for students who meet the entry requirements of our Business and Economics courses.
  I would like to thank you for contributing to the success of our programs.

